October 30, 16:00-17:30

The importance of GNSS Security & Resilience – are you covered?


As more and more military and civilian systems come to rely on accurate positioning, the threat of GNSS jamming and spoofing is growing significantly.

Current global conflicts are highlighting the exponential growth of corrupted and bogus GNSS signals moving beyond disrupting military assets to becoming a dangerous form of attack, indiscriminately impacting military and civilian devices.

The nature of GNSS interruptions now seen across large parts of Europe is already having a direct impact on commercial aviation. In addition, the frequency of jamming over major cities is increasing, leading to concerns around the impact on critical national infrastructure and services including banking, railways and emergency services.

With legal recourse hard to immediately enforce across conflict zones or against elusive rogue actors, technology is the best form of defence

This workshop will be run by technologists from Spirent’s Positioning team; a group of experts who have met the challenges and needs of GNSS developers and users across military and civilian domains for over 35 years.

The workshop will explore and discuss:

  • The impact of jamming and spoofing on military and civilian assets
  • Mitigation strategies available to developers and integrators
  • The importance of GNSS simulation for securing military applications including hypersonic weapon systems
  • How to test a system for robustness including validating the performance and efficacy of anti-jamming and anti-spoofing capabilities


In addition to military applications, GNSS applies to a multitude of key industries, and we would welcome attendees from government bodies, European space agencies, plus airport and maritime authorities, and the finance sector.

Registration link.


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