Dear Techritorians,

Please note that this is a preliminary agenda of the forum and the exact times and dates of the activities will be confirmed at a later stage. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions!

*Time indicated in Eastern European Time (EET)

08:00 - 09:00

Arrival, registration and morning coffee

09:00 - 10:00

Opening Ceremony Stage

Opening Ceremony

Opening ceremony of 5G Techritory 2024.

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10:00 - 11:00

Opening Ceremony Stage

Opening panel discussion - Charting the Course: Priorities for European Connectivity Leadership

Opening panel discussion of 5G Techritory 2024.

  • Reflections on the achievements and progress made in European connectivity during the previous parliamentary term, including advancements in 5G deployment, digital infrastructure investment, and regulatory frameworks for emerging technologies.
  • Key challenges and opportunities facing European connectivity in the digital age, such as bridging the digital divide, ensuring universal access to high-speed broadband, and promoting digital inclusion and literacy across all segments of society.
  • Strategies for mobilizing investment and funding to support connectivity infrastructure development and digital transformation initiatives across Europe, including public-private partnerships, EU funding programs, and incentives for private sector investment.
  • Our speakers thoughts on policy priorities and strategic objectives for European connectivity leadership in the next parliamentary term.

This session will be streamed on

11:00 - 12:00

Opening Ceremony Stage

AI Race - Policies for Adoption in Europe

  • A short review of the existing and proposed AI policies in Europe.
  • Long-Term Vision and Roadmap – articulating our speakers vision for a long-term vision and strategic roadmap for AI adoption in Europe.
  • The debate on over-regulation versus under-regulation for a relatively new technology like Artificial Intelligence.
  • Cooperation models between lawmakers and industry to ensure that AI policies are informed by technical expertise, industry insights, and real-world experience.

This session will be streamed on

12:00 - 13:00

Innovation & Technology Stage

Road Connectivity & Mobility Enhanced Using Non-Terrestrial Networks

  • The role of NTNs in enabling reliable V2X communication for connected and autonomous vehicles.  Technical challenges and solutions for integrating NTNs into V2X ecosystems.
  • How NTNs can enhance smart transportation systems, including traffic management, logistics, and public transportation.
  • The regulatory landscape for NTNs and their integration with terrestrial networks. Policy recommendations to facilitate the deployment and adoption of NTNs for road connectivity.
  • The economic viability and business models for deploying NTNs in the mobility sector. Potential partnerships and investment opportunities to drive the adoption of NTNs for road connectivity.

This session will be streamed on

12:00 - 12:20

Policy & Strategy Stage

Mastering the Waves for Maritime Autonomy - Keynote Presentation

  • Practicable examples on ensuring spectrum dominance to maintain reliable and uninterrupted communication in maritime environments, addressing challenges and solutions.
  • Strategies and technologies for monitoring the spectrum, including methods for locating emitters and effectively hunting and mitigating interference sources.
  • Advanced techniques for detecting, locating, and countering non-cooperative drones in maritime settings, enhancing security and operational efficiency.
  • Best practices for measuring and monitoring network coverage and performance, focusing on both mobile networks and non-terrestrial networks (NTN), to ensure optimal maritime connectivity.

This session will be streamed on

Anne Stephan

VP Critical Infrastructure & Networks, Rohde & Schwarz

12:30 - 12:50

Policy & Strategy Stage

Keynote Speech

This session will be streamed on

Ludwig Decamps

General Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:00

Innovation & Technology Stage

Quantum Solutions as the Next Frontier in Network Security - Hosted by LVRTC

  • The application of quantum technologies in communications, with a focus on potential use cases in critical sectors such as defense, healthcare, and finance.
  • The role of post-quantum technologies in securing data both in transit and at rest, emphasizing the encryption of sensitive information.
  • National strategies for preparing and adapting to a post-quantum era, highlighting successful initiatives and collaborative efforts.

14:00 - 14:20

Policy & Strategy Stage

What can policymakers do to promote the 5G ecosystem and to make 6G a success?

  • Fostering the 5G ecosystem.
  • Preparing for 6G with a vision and future use cases.
  • Looking at research, infrastructure investment and the regulatory framework.

This session will be streamed on

Benjamin Brake

Director General Digital- and Data-Policy, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, Federal Republic of Germany

14:30 - 14:50

Policy & Strategy Stage

Launch of the Nordic-Baltic Digital Inclusion Indicator Tool

  • The role of digital inclusion as a core feature of a connected Nordic and Baltic region, and the importance and challenges related to measuring and monitoring digital inclusion.
  • Launch and presentation of the Nordic-Baltic Digital Inclusion Indicator Tool created as part of the research project Digital Inclusion in Action at Nordregio. The online interactive tool shows the factors related to digital inclusion in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
  • The tool provides insights on the indicators and mechanisms behind digital inequality specific for the region and demonstrates a Multidimensional Digital Inclusion Index (MDII) developed as a part of the research project Digital Inclusion in Action.

This session will be streamed on

Anna Vasilevskaya

GIS and analytics, Nordregio

15:00 - 16:00

Innovation & Technology Stage

Open Networks - Exploring the Realities of Adoption

  • Notable deployments and initiatives from leading telecom operators, and how they are contributing to the overall momentum of Open Networks.
  • Technological complexities of integrating multi-vendor solutions and maintaining seamless network performance, as well as ongoing standardization efforts led by industry consortia.
  • Economic benefit analysis of deploying open networks compared to traditional networks.
  • The Role of Open APIs in Network Infrastructure and Strategies for Monetization.

This session will be streamed on

15:00 - 15:20

Policy & Strategy Stage

5G for Telemedicine and Autonomous Maritime Services: Innovations from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Use case presentation – emergency service and a tele-emergency doctor in the District of Vorpommern-Greifswald.
  • Future autonomous shipping plans of the ferry “Sünje” by harnessing the power of sensors, cameras, radar, sonar, AI and 5G.

This session will be streamed on

Christian Pegel

Minister, Ministry of the Interior, Building and Digitalisation, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

16:00 - 17:00

Innovation & Technology Stage

Connectivity Driving Digital Inclusion Across Borders

  • Levels of connectivity and digital inclusion across the Nordic and Baltic countries, primary challenges the region faces in connectivity with the goal of achieving comprehensive digital inclusion.
  • Emerging technologies that hold the most promise for enhancing connectivity for digital inclusion in the region, how advanced technologies are being deployed to improve access to digital services.
  • Cross-border collaboration considerations – striving to enable digital inclusion, what can we do to not have siloed solutions within the borders of countries/municipalities?
  • The business case for investing in connectivity technologies aimed at promoting digital inclusion, how the private sector can be incentivized to develop and deploy connectivity solutions that support digital inclusion.

This session will be streamed on

16:00 - 17:00

Policy & Strategy Stage

E-Identity Innovation: Building Secure Digital Wallets for EU Citizens - hosted by The Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development

  • The necessity of e-identity innovation and secure digital wallets in facilitating secure and convenient digital interactions, enhancing access to online services, streamlining administrative processes, and empowering EU citizens to fully participate in the digital economy and society.
  • The latest advancements in e-identity technologies that enable the development of secure digital wallets for EU citizens.
  • The importance of user-centric design principles and accessibility features in digital wallet applications, ensuring ease of use, inclusivity, and compliance with accessibility standards for all EU citizens, including those with disabilities or special needs.
  • Security and privacy considerations in e-identity innovation, including data protection regulations (such as GDPR), encryption standards, and cybersecurity best practices for safeguarding personal and sensitive information stored in digital wallets.
  • Interoperable and standardized e-identity solutions and digital wallet platforms across EU member states, enabling seamless authentication and transaction experiences for citizens, businesses, and government services across borders.

This session will be streamed on

17:00 - 18:00

Innovation & Technology Stage

Immersive XR Technologies and Digital Twins for Tourism, Education, and Cultural Preservation

  • Applications of XR Technologies in Tourism –  virtual tours, interactive exhibits, and location-based mixed-reality applications.
  • How digital twins enable cultural preservation efforts, remote access to heritage sites, and virtual restoration projects that safeguard cultural heritage.
  • The importance of collaboration and partnerships between stakeholders in the XR ecosystem, including government agencies, cultural institutions, technology providers, content creators, and tourism operators.
  • Technological challenges – hardware limitations, network bandwidth constraints, computational requirements, and data interoperability challenges that impact the development and deployment of immersive experiences and digital replicas.

This session will be streamed on

17:00 - 18:00

Policy & Strategy Stage

Cybersecurity Ecosystem - Public & Private partnership in Cybersecurity

  • Overview of the current cybersecurity threat landscape, including emerging threats, attack vectors, and trends.
  • Clarifying the respective roles and responsibilities of the public and private sectors in cybersecurity.
  • Information sharing and threat intelligence sharing between public and private entities to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats proactively.
  • The role of policy and regulation in promoting cybersecurity collaboration between public and private sectors.
  • The role of public-private partnerships in fostering technology innovation, investment, and adoption to strengthen cyber defenses.

This session will be streamed on

18:00 - 22:00

Opening Ceremony Stage

5G Techritory Networking Event

Meet and network with other in-person attendees in a casual atmosphere over drinks and snacks.