Dear Techritorians,

Please note that this is a preliminary agenda of the forum and the exact times and dates of the activities will be confirmed at a later stage. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions!

*Time indicated in Eastern European Time (EET)

11:00 - 13:00

#5GMadeTogether: Open RAN deployments - lessons learned

Two years ago we started the discussion about the future of telecommunications for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). We got together with stakeholders from organizations active in the mobile telecommunications market – mobile operators, regulators, R&D centers, governments, and business association representatives. Last year we moved forward and deployed the first 5G Open RAN laboratory in the region in partnership with Riga Technical University. This year’s focus is on real-life use cases, showcasing the deployments of private 5G networks that took place over the past year.

Areas of discussion:

  • Real-life applications and installations
  • Evolution and current status of 5G
  • Lessons learned and practical guidance

More information:

Registration & participation in the event is free of charge; please e-mail Rafal Sanecki ( if interested.

11:00 - 13:00

Quantum Fusion: Seamlessly Integrating QKD Optical Networks into Wireless Communication Networks - 5G, Wi-Fi & IoT

Wireless communication networks security and user privacy is becoming increasingly vital, especially with the development of quantum computers. The integration of quantum technologies into wireless networks will improve the security of data transmission, thereby improving service continuity and secure public access.

During the demonstration event, VASES will share the results achieved so-far on implementing LATQN project. VASES will present research outcomes on various data transmission scenarios between radio equipment of different technologies, such as:

  • 5G;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Radio equipment equipped with quantum technology functionality.

More information:

Registration link.

11:00 - 13:00

From Smart Cities to Metacities

We are observing the emergence of the next generation of Smart Cities – so called METACITIES – mainly across Europe. There are several regional projects in Europe which are helping to explore new technologies and create the path towards the next generation of Smart Cities.

We are very excited to see all these Metacities ecosystem activities and we are hosting this special event during the 5G Techritory where we will invite their representatives:

  • Understand the objectives, initiatives and activities of each project
  • Exchange ideas for collaboration and interconnection
  • Brainstorm for the possibility of a more connected way forward

More information:

Registration link.

11:00 - 12:30

Shifting the Balance: Advancing Diversity in Telecoms R&D

Gender equality has improved under Horizon 2020, with the share of women in evaluation panels reaching 42%, above the 40% target. However, the share of women in scientific advisory panels and as researchers in projects remains below the 50% target, at 43% and 23% respectively.

By incorporating gender considerations into sustainability strategies, 6G networks can be designed to not only reduce environmental impact but also address social issues such as digital inclusion, equitable access to technology, and the creation of sustainable digital economies that benefit all.

The agenda of this co-creation event will include:

  • Introductions from WiTaR and Riga Techgirls;
  • Bar Camp highlight – Industry and academia’s view and practice to encourage gender diversity
    • Digital Skills & Upskilling
    • 6G Sustainability and Ecosystem Diversity
    • Diversity in Cybersecurity
    • Impact of diversity on 6G use cases
  • Results of diversity survey

More information:

Registration: Pooja Mohnani,

14:00 - 18:00

Horizon Europe Digital Technologies brokerage event

Horizon Europe Digital technologies brokerage event is a unique opportunity to establish direct contacts between scientists/researchers and entrepreneurs and discuss cooperation possibilities for future Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital calls.

As part of the event, you will experience:

  • Info session – information on upcoming Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital topics
  • Pitching session – presentations project ideas related to Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital topics
  • Matchmaking session – identifying and connecting partners with common project interests

More information:

Registration to the event:

14:00 - 17:00

From 5G to 6G: leveraging key trends and 5G evolution to shape 6G for vertical sectors

6G is unfolding fast in the most prestigious labs worldwide. 6G will come to real world around 2030 complementing 5G with new groundbreaking features such as embedded AI and sensing capabilities.

The goal of this co creation event is to drive awareness on 6G amongst industrial sectors to drive future adoption. During the event the topics discussed will be:

  • First 6G use cases, along with international trials and pilots to provide a global view on 6G status;
  • A Tracking tool for vertical on 6G EU funded research;
  • Key trends in verticals sectors and an operator view on the evolution of 5G to 6G.

Registration link.

More information:

15:00 - 18:00

The Quantum Technology Landscape: Catalyzing Regional Collaboration and Innovation

Join us for a co-creation event focusing on the transformative power of quantum technologies and their role in shaping the future of innovation and regional cooperation. Focus points of the event:

  • National Quantum Initiatives and Regional Synergy
  • Building Strong Regional Networks
  • Latvia at the Quantum Forefront

More information:

Registration to observe the event is free of charge, but invitation-only, please e-mail to Zane Čerpakovska ( if interested.

16:00 - 17:30

The importance of GNSS Security & Resilience – are you covered?

As more and more military and civilian systems come to rely on accurate positioning, the threat of GNSS jamming and spoofing is growing significantly.

This workshop will explore and discuss:

  • The impact of jamming and spoofing on military and civilian assets
  • Mitigation strategies available to developers and integrators
  • The importance of GNSS simulation for securing military applications including hypersonic weapon systems
  • How to test a system for robustness including validating the performance and efficacy of anti-jamming and anti-spoofing capabilities

More information:

Registration link.