
Bruno Ramos

AMERICAS REGIONAL DIRECTOR International Telecommunication Union

Bruno Ramos was appointed Regional Director for the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Americas Regional Office in April 2013. His career has been focused on the telecommunication sector and on issues related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

He has worked at TELESP (Telecom Operator in Sao Paulo), at TELEBRAS (National Telecom Operator in Brazil), and at the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL). At ANATEL Bruno acted as the Superintendent of Private Services, as well as a head of Regulation of Mobile Services and general-manager of Mobile Communications.

In representing Brazil at the ITU, he was Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Study Groups from 2000 to 2013, as well as head of the Brazilian delegation in many International Conferences.

Interesting fact

He holds a master’s degree in both Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications Regulation from the University of Brasilia.